"Many moments of brooding silence, dramatic tension and heartfelt raw and emotional interactions between the characters. Strong cast. Amazingly evocative. Engaging and provocative."
Ewen Coleman - The Dominion Post
Ewen Coleman - The Dominion Post
"Its themes are universal and sweeping, and we see them played out in interactions between four ordinary people. It's set in a world full of lies, hate, cruelty and violence, and is ultimately about truth and love. Caging Skies is a commendably ambitious enterprise with an intriguingly international sweep, both in subject and themes. The political and the personal meet and blend believably and movingly."
Tim Stevenson - Theatreview
Tim Stevenson - Theatreview
"[Caging Skies] deals with questions of education, emotions, and memory. [It] show's that war and violence not only occur in the streets, but often rage in the depths of our hearts as well. The play simultaneously both chilling and hopeful. It is only after the applause ends and the lights come up that we remember we'v been watching a play and not reality."
Rachel Pommeyrol - Scoop
Rachel Pommeyrol - Scoop
"A play that will resonate with many people. Many dramatic moments. Very powerful."
David Farrar - Kiwiblog
David Farrar - Kiwiblog